Little Red Ants turn Green

A sharing by Huong

One day we were gifted a giant monstera plant from a director friend. Turns out it brought so much joy to our fellow ants that Kang Li aka the father ant gave me and Eunice a mission: Transform our office into a ‘mini jungle’.

Monstera deliciosa is our very first plant in the office.

Monstera deliciosa is our very first plant in the office.

After spending 2 hours visiting various plant shops, we brought home a few lovely green friends. And Ta-daaaaa!!! Here are some snippets of our ‘new office’.

That’s me sitting happily among the plants (1st photo) and Kang Li – our kind sponsor - working in his favorite corner (2nd photo). Dex enjoys his noodles the sight of greenery (3rd photo) and Quynh takes a nap under the new foliage (4th photo).

All of us love taking care of the plants and watering them has become the favorite activity of the day. We do hope that our little effort could bring smiles and ‘zen’ to not only us but also our dear guests!

Our pink elephant welcomes you!

Our pink elephant welcomes you!


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